Sunday, March 4, 2007

New digital camera and new software. My first try with Photomatix. Unfortunately, I had already made the raw nef file unusable for Photomatix editing in CaptureNX and had to create multiple exposures in Photoshop by manipulating curves --limiting my control over the image. Photomatix will read a Nikon nef file adjusted in CaptureNX as long as only base RAW changes have been made. I discovered this too late.


Anonymous said...

I am really impressed by your color. But I have never heard of 12 bit before. What type of camera and software do you use?

12bitphoto said...

I am currently using a Nikon D80. It produces 12 bit RAW files. I shoot only in RAW. I use Nikon Picture Project to download images from the camera; Nikon Capture NX for basic processing; Photomatix Pro for high dynamic range (HDR) processing; and Photoshop Elements 4.0 and Paintshop Pro 9 for detail work. Only the most recent two photos were shot with the Nikon D80 --the other photos were shot as jpg files with much smaller megapixel cameras. Look for other examples of the D80 at\people\hermes10