Saturday, May 19, 2007

Confederate Cemetary?

Driving through Flatonia, Texas, I noticed that the town cemetary was freshly populated with Confederate flags. I stopped to take photos wondering if the flags represented a contemporary political statement or tribute to actual Confederate soldiers. Although I can't completely discount the possibility that some number of these flags are politically motivated, most of them appeared to be decorating graves of men who were alive during the Civil War --such as the one below of W.D. Gale, who died in 1896.

Although many of the grave stones made explicit reference to military service in WWI and WWII, I didn't see such references to the Civil War. As Texas did not play a central role in the Civil War, I found it surprising to find so many potential grave sites of Confederate soldiers in a small-town Texas cemetary. And how amazing is it that W.D. Gale, who died over 100 years ago, is still remembered by someone who cares enough to mark his grave and honor his memory? The following two photos are representative of the grave sites decorated with Confederate flags.

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